Affiliate Disclosure Stuff For Dating Kinky

For legal reasons, and because it’s the right thing and because it’s legally necessary, here goes:

You’ve followed this link because we told you that Dating Kinky might get paid or has made a fee from a post. This sort of notice might include sponsorships, paid reviews, and links to products that aren’t ours (i.e. affiliate products, or products that pay us a percentage when they are sold).

We disclose on every page where a link as mentioned above is shown. Even if we’ve previously disclosed a particular affiliate link, it’s necessary to do so again when it’s used in a different area of the site. Again, this is both because it is legally necessary, and also because it is ethically necessary.

Why would we do this?

Because the law says we must.

LOL! Yes, that’s true. But it’s also because we believe that you should know if we have a stake in something that we are recommending to you.

That said, if Dating Kinky recommends ANYTHING, it is based entirely on our own opinions, come to through our own research, trying and braining. We are not shills or happy-reviews for hire.

Frankly, we’ll only share things we love and believe in, for our own reasons, and because we feel their ethics align with ours (at least as far as we know). We do welcome any call-out or heads-up in relation to any products/companies we share/recommend.