Join Dating Kinky’s Kinky Rolodex
Hi there, KPWTTS!
KPWTTS, what? Oh, that. That’s a term I created for the people I love to follow and connect with about different kinky topics, especially when I’m researching an idea or promoting.
And if you’re here, I’m guessing you’re a KPWTTS.
And I’m thrilled to get to know you.
I’ve got a form below for you to fill out to tell me about yourself, and what you love about kink and what you know, and what you’d like to share with the world.
It’s long, so I can get as much information as I need to start getting to know you; however, lots of it is optional and we can fill in the blanks later together.
I’ll add you to an email list to send out questions that we are looking to get answered. It will be MAX one message per week and no sales. Just questions and opportunities (which you can pass on to others, as well—the more the merrier!).
At some point, many of these opportunities will be paid as well! Right now, they are essentially volunteer things, and I understand if you prefer to hold off. However, I’m looking forward to the day when I can offer more than “Thanks” for appearances.
And the meaning of KPWTTS?
Did you scroll all the way down here to find out? *grins*
Kinky Person/People With Things To Say
I’m one, and I always love meeting more.
Oh! And if you produce a content on your own, and you’d like a signal boost, feel free to fill out our signal boost form as well.
Thank you!