What Is Kinky, Anyway?

If you go to google right now and type in “define kinky,” you’ll get the following two definitions:

  1. involving or given to unusual sexual behavior.
  2. having kinks or twists.

Here at Dating Kinky, we’re going with our own definition that combines the two, and throws in a bit more for fun:

Kinky is something greater than the straight and narrow, a flexibility, in how you view and navigate the world. Kinky is different than your average person, opened up to more possibilities, especially (but not necessarily) in relation to sex.

We are grateful for our kinkiness, and we welcome yours!

So, obviously, dyed-in-the-wool kinksters are welcome here, but who else ‘makes the cut?’

  • BDSM? Willkommen. *
  • Alternative lifestyles, like poly? Bienvenue. *
  • Swinging? Welcome. *
  • LGBTQ and all the other letters that don’t fit easily into a box? C’mon in. *

Even allies and friends of all the kinky people, who just prefer to play a bit outside their comfort zone. You are definitely welcome. We are doing our best to make this a site that is welcoming and safe for all, friendly, and full of connections.

Even more, we are focused on offering options that allow you to be YOU, online as you are off. From a wider gender selection to greater options for matching up with potential playmates, we’re passionate about giving you the tools you need to find and be found for kinktastic fun.


So, sign up! It’s free.**

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!



P.S. It’s kind of obscure, but if you can guess the reference I made there with the *s, send me a note. If you’re right, I’ll gift you with something pretty damn cool!


** And when I say free, I mean everything you need to meet others is absolutely free and will always be. We do have paid options, because we want to continue growing and making this site even better, and that takes the green, however, those are perks and are NOT needed to enjoy this site. At all. Period.