Do your crazy kinky thing.

Do your crazy kinky thing.

☝️☝️ Words to live by, if you ask me.

You didn’t ask me though, LOL! And I’m going to tell you anyway.

And it doesn’t have to be your kinky thing. It can be your poly thing. Your golf thing. Your storm chasers thing.

It doesn’t even have to be WHAT you do.

It can be how you do it. The way you do it. The passion and commitment and silliness and YOU that you bring to any and every thing.

For example, I rarely top. When I do, I love love love to do it to upbeat, pop-y music.

  • Pocket Full of Sunshine, Natasha Bedingfield
  • Lollipop, Mika
  • Ex’s & Oh’s, Elle King

You get the picture.

This is NOT uber-dommely. This is not the male fantasy of the strict authoritarian. It’s also not very intimidating.

But it’s me.

And I love it, and I bring MAD swing energy with loud music and a heavy flogger.

I write every word of these posts in 18pt PURPLE text. Sometimes cherry red. It cheers me up.

I do spreadsheets in rainbow colors.

I make up dorky usernames for my writings, like WolfyMcDomlyPants, and talk about silly interests like vagazzling or the baby platypus fan club. I misspell (or exaggeratedly pronounce) WON TWOO WAY to rob it of it’s harm and make myself laugh. I LOVE words, and yesterday learned a new one that I’m excited to use in a writing: dooklets.

Ha ha!

Sure, you probably can’t slip the term ‘assholery’ into your corporate writings.

I’m lucky to have been able to build a life where I can.

BUT, you can enjoy being YOU in every way, then clean it up before turning in your work.

  • Write your notes on rainbow paper with a colored gel pen.
  • Wear silky pink panties under your business suit.
  • Have your sub write you a love note on the back of your favorite leather belt that you wear into the office.
  • Make the passcode to unlock your phone the number you made your partner count to while you tickled them last weekend.


Because here’s the thing: Doing your thing is a good thing. It keeps you anchored to you. It adds an element of fun even to the most banal of activities. And it grows your sense of self.

Plus. It’s playful, and helps you avoid growing old, no matter how many years go by.

What are your thoughts?

Do you consciously look for ways to have fun in your life? Do you sneak your kink or your hobbies into other aspects of your life, so you always have bits and bobs of YOU with you?

Or do you think it’s childish and stoopid? (If you do, then 🤪 to you!)

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