Writing Prompt: Pick A Photo

Writing Prompt: Pick A Photo

Nookie Playing Dress Up

This photo represents a deep bond in my relationship with my Pet that we’ve shared from day 1: A sense of adventure and playfulness.

We lived two hours apart when we met (in person), and saw each other every couple of weeks. In between, we shared ideas and images that we loved, discussed them, and sometimes made them our own.

This image was the result of one of those images, as was the resulting scene with lots of leather and my dildo collection…

But it’s not just recreating that is so special to me.

It’s that we work together so well to pull these things off.

He is an amazing cheerleader and enthusiastic (and enamored) photographer. A joyful bottom. A skilled lover.

EVERY time we do this, we have knocked it out of the park, and explored yet another way of expressing our sexuality, while growing in what we know about each other, what we like, and fun new kinks.

Looking over my collection of photos, I can see at least 10 more images that happened this way as well. It’s part of us, and threads through much of what we do and how we love.

The Prompt

Pick a photo you have posted for the public, or link to one. Write about what it means to you, the feelings it evokes, anything.

Feel free to write in the comments or in your own journal and link here (so others can read it), or just think on it or write on it and keep it to yourself, if you prefer.

Write a sentence. Or a paragraph. Or an essay. Or whatever this is to you. Talk it out. Make it yours, if it’s not.

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