COVID-19 + Kink: The Series
Episode 1: Doctor(ate of Public Health) BadKitty Talks COVID-19 & Kink!
BadKitty talks about what we kinksters can be doing to get through the trying times of COVID-19.
She’s gone over some of what’s floating around out there, what’s true, what’s unknown, and what’s likely.
And of course, it was all online/virtual, so we maintained our social distancing, like good little kinksters should!
Listen to the webinar! MP3
Chat Transcript: ZIP
Episode 2: Kinky Socializing Online in a Social Distancing World on Dating Kinky
HiThereCatsuit and Switchy_Kat discuss how to create new communities and make your own better and fun tips to keep you connected with your friends even in these times where we have to keep our distance.
(Secret: They are good for when we can be together too!)
Listen to the webinar! MP3
Chat Transcript: ZIP
Slides: PPTX
Episode 3: Kinky Dating & First Dates During Social Isolation
Now, more than ever, we want to connect with people who “get us.”
But we can’t go out to munches or play parties, or even to coffee together.
So, we’ve got to find another way.
Join Nookie, author of Dating Kinky: Find the kinky love of your fantasies, as she discusses creating kinky connections online, first dates in a time of social distancing, and consciously getting to know each other through kink and vanilla topics.
Listen to the webinar! MP3
Chat Transcript: ZIP
Episode 4: Maintaining Relationships During Social Distancing with Dr. Liz Powell
During this time of social distancing, many of us are finding ourselves isolated apart from partners, friends, loved ones… In this talk, we’ll be discussing how we can maintain our relationships, even grow them as we navigate this new social world.
Listen to the webinar! MP3
Chat Transcript: ZIP
Slides: PPTX
Episode 5: Doctor(ate of Public Health) BadKitty Talks COVID-19 & Kink! AGAIN!
BadKitty revisits what we kinksters can be doing to get through the trying times of COVID-19, more than half a year after her original presentation.
What do we know now that we didn’t know then? What have we learned? How stir-crazy are we going to be before this is all over?
And of course, it was all online/virtual, so we maintained our social distancing, like good little kinksters should!
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Chat Transcript: ZIP
Slides: PPTX
A bit of fun: