The Problem With Blaming Victims of Abuse
This writing is now available as a podcast episode! I will be clear about my position early in this short writing: THE PERSON WHO ABUSES
This writing is now available as a podcast episode! I will be clear about my position early in this short writing: THE PERSON WHO ABUSES
Someone replied to a post I made in my Women in Charge Facebook group, and said: love is truly wanting what’s best for another with
I love KTP (Kitchen Table Poly). Actually, I should say that I love KTN. Kitchen Table Nonmonogamy. Because not all of my relationships are love-based,
This writing is now available as a podcast episode! Today’s prompt was inspired over 2 years ago, but for whatever reason, I never wrote it.
So, we talk a lot about love languages in discussing how we can treat our partners and friends, even kids. However, I saw a meme
Women think I’m weird because I seek to never make decisions. To be honest, a man (or any gender) that never makes decisions is not
I tend to write from a lot of perspectives, and sometimes, those perspectives are seemingly contradictory. That’s because humanity is complex, and there are many
I wrote in February about rejecting actions online, not YOU as a person. After all, I don’t know you as a person. i just know
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