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Chat Transcript: ZIP
Presentation Deck: PPT
Ever wondered what goes on in the mind of Femdoms? How we select partners? Where we harness all our dominant power (it’s not the boobs!) or how to get started? Join @d20domme and guests as we open up the virtual floor to speak about these topics, take questions and more for Femdom Fridays.
In this episode, the host of Femdom Friday, the uber-talented Natali (@d20domme), reviewed the 10 Pitfalls When Approaching a FemDom (with special guest @Subby-Girl).
Links from the show:
Here’s a recent interview @d20domme did on the Kinky Cocktail Hour podcast (hosted by Lady Petra).
Every SECOND Friday.
The next episode of Femdom Friday will air July 10th @8PM ET.
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