Thou Shalt Not Use An Obnoxious UserName

Thou Shalt Not Use An Obnoxious UserName

If you’re serious in your search about connecting with REAL kinky people, then creating a silly, overtly sexual, or bizarre username on dating sites is generally not going to help you and may actually hurt you.

Also, keep an eye out for spelling errors, or anything else that might make it more difficult to connect with you.

For example, here’s one I got a few years back:


This fellow had been looking for a partner for a wile, and couldn’t understand why no one took him seriously.

I asked, “WHO ARE YOU?”

His profile and that username combined to give me only a few clues about him (he liked pegging and being degraded), and none of them information about how he might be as a partner.

And AssInAir didn’t even realize how he was coming across…SMDH!

Note: These 8 Commandments are as true for vanilla (or non-kink) dating profiles as they are for kink, so share them with (tag) ANYONE you think might want to strengthen their dating game. smiles

Dating Kinky is hosting a 4-week profile makeover event online for a select group of people of different roles, genders, sexual orientations, races, and abilities.

I, our brilliant coaches, and your partner (you’ll be paired up with someone new each week) will work with you every step to get you the BEST DAMN dating profile you have ever had!

And we’ll share your progress with the dating world, so others can meet you, learn about your challenges and follow along as you create your profile.


Learn more here:

We’d love to have you join us!

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I Don’t Do Online

I don’t do online. I have done online. Don’t get all butt-hurt and yell-y, and tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about. I

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