Love comes in more than one plot.

Love comes in more than one plot.

Most movies, like most relationships, follow general patterns.

And some of those movies are GREAT movies.

And some of those relationships are GREAT relationships.

I like something a bit more. A bit different. In my entertainment and in my love.

And it continues to shock me that so many of us who do choose a different path then try to gatekeep and force what we do and how we do on others.

I don’t get it.

To me, the amazing wonder of the world and kink is that there are so many ways to do it, and those ways are unique to each person, to each relationship.

Dating Kinky is dating for the plot twists in you.

Whether you’re just a little bit curious or hard core fetish, my goal is to help you connect with other kinky folk, to learn, and to explore the life you want—without judgment (as long as you get consent, of course!).

For love.
For play.
For friendship.

And every day, I fight the good fight, against the WON TWOO WAY-ists who are everywhere telling you that you are kinking RONG.

Forget that nonsense.

However you kink, as long as you kink with consent, we approve.

Because love comes in more than one plot (and kink comes with and without love).

Movies: My Mistress, Stud Life, Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, 9 1/2 Weeks, Brokeback Mountain

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