Passive-Aggressive Behavior KILLS Relationships
Have you ever asked someone why they are not doing something that they said they would do, and they answer (usually after so many hours
Have you ever asked someone why they are not doing something that they said they would do, and they answer (usually after so many hours
It’s amazing to me how many people who really should know better (and do, in other situations) will fall back on a craptaculous nonpology when
A few years back, someone said this to me. That they loved when I made my ownership and power over them explicit during everyday activities.
What makes for a ‘safe’ friend to talk to? I feel like the answer varies with people. For example, I know most of my friends
The dominant is responsible for one thing in their relationship: The entire relationship. Yup. The dominant is responsible for everything in their relationship. How they
22 hours ago: Thank you for accepting my friend request. Did you write these books? 21 hours ago: Hi there. I took a look at
I say no. But, really, who the fuck am I? I’m someone who does my research and can tell you that scientists also say no.
So, now and again, I post ads on CL. For dates, to meet new people, bulls, heck, I even buy and sell things sometimes. I
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