You Have To Love Yourself Before You Can Love Others

You Have To Love Yourself Before You Can Love Others


This is the worst sort of trite, mealy mouth, feel-good-pat-yourself-on-the-back, self-congratulatory crap, ever.

ANYONE can love. It’s simple.

And loving yourself has nothing to do with it.

The thing that makes this crapulous lie seem truthful is that if you don’t love yourself, you’ll probably not be very good at setting a value on yourself. You might act desperate for love.

Most people will react to that poorly. Because if you don’t value you and your personal boundaries, and you have to live with you every moment of your life, then how could you value me and my boundaries?

It can be done.


But it’s in our heads that it can’t. Because someone who was loved told you that, and you believed it. Because it’s easier to believe that than to tell them they are full of caca, and full of themselves, besides.

And as long as you believe that shite, you are buying into the idea that if you are not 100% social-media-perfect, you are not deserving of love, and that those who have love have their poo-poo WAY more together than you, you worthless sack of self love.

And THAT, is the most fucked up thing of all.

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