Dating Kinky News Brief (COVID-19 Special Episode)

Dating Kinky News Brief (COVID-19 Special Episode)

Hi all – castaway is back with a special news break.

Normally, I go for a tongue in cheek tone with these posts as I bring you, my readers, the Dating Kinky related news updates. But, there’s a time and a place for everything, and this Coronavirus pandemic is (understatement alert) serious business.

I encourage everyone to stay safe out there, and read up on all of the proactive and preventative measures they can take.

As for Nookie, myself, and the Dating Kinky team, we are here for any and all of the social distancing diversions that we can provide. PLUS Members (sign up now using coupon code “VIP_Member” for $5/month) have access to 6 books and 7 webinars in our content library, and we will have 10 more webinars (including all 9 from International Kinky Women’s Day) posted in the next day or so. Click (and bookmark) here for our On Demand content library.

Speaking of our webinars (and the Coronavirus), we have a very special webinar coming up on Wednesday, March 18th (8PM EST). A medical professional, BadKitty (Dr. Kitty?), will be talking about what we kinksters can be doing to get through the trying times of COVID-19. She’ll go over some of what’s floating around out there, what’s true, what’s unknown, and what’s likely.

If you are interested in attending this webinar, please go ahead and RSVP on Fetlife & our event page. We look forward to seeing you, and helping to address and questions and concerns you might have. Please feel free forward an invitation to any kinkster friends of yours as well. One benefit of the virtual setting is that we can cluster up as much as we want here and still observe the needed social distancing.

Also, due to the import of the subject matter, this episode is going to be made absolutely free to view on demand (including non-PLUS members). So even if you are unable to attend live, you can return to this post or our archive page for a posting of this episode.

Hope to see all of you there!

And lest I came off as too much of the straight arrow anchorman in this installment, here’s a moment of levity, courtesy of the Brooks family.

Until next time – stay safe, everyone!


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