Thank you for clicking through, and your interest!
I’ll explain a bit more of what I’m looking for, and that will take a bit of showing AND telling.

This is the Masters & Johnson model of orgasm. It’s good. And an excellent foundation. However, it’s a bit problematic.
For example, it seems very het-oriented (maybe even “male” oriented?), and the foreplay being that small bit, while “charge” being labeled parenthetically as “penetration” is missing a lot of opportunities. Also, sexuality vs. sensuality? It doesn’t work like that, necessarily in my experience.
So, here is a different model:

I removed the “judgment calls” of sexuality versus sensuality, removed penetration versus foreplay, and changed the words a bit to more accurately describe my own view of orgasms.
Here’s where it gets fun, or at least where the sex geek in me starts getting charged up.
You see, this is the “typical” orgasm map I’ll present in my upcoming book, Next Stop, O-Town!
And I’m using it as the foundation for showing the WIDE variety of orgasmic (and anorgasmic) experiences we might have.
For example:

That’s where YOU come in.
I’d like to “map” your best or worst orgasm, based on your words/description, to include in the book to show how amazing and varied these experiences can be.
So, if you’re game, please fill out the form below, OR fill out the form, but in the description, just put “voice mail,” and use this link to TELL me your story:
Please use the four stages:
- Excitement
- Sexual Tension
- Release (Orgasm)
- Relaxation
And do your best to describe the length of time for each, at least in comparison to each other.
Also, any thoughts or fantasies, whether you were with someone else, etc. where was your pleasure coming from? Your genitals, or more spots/types of pleasure? The more complete the picture, the better.
I know that I rarely have exact ideas about the really good orgasmic experiences in my life, because once I hit “Beginning of loss of ego control,” my time and logic centers go fuzzy. THAT’S OK.
Also, don’t think your map is supposed to look like the “typical,” map or ANY of the others. This is valid:
“I don’t really remember excitement, unless you call some texting through the week excitement…all I know is that when I walked in the door, and he grabbed my by the throat, shoved me against the wall, and growled, I came.”
For example, LOL!
I may reach out to you to ask questions, and to share the art I create.
So, if you’re game, let’s do this! And thank you.