Dating Kinky News Bulletin: Where’s Nookie? & International Kinky Women’s Day

Dating Kinky News Bulletin: Where’s Nookie? & International Kinky Women’s Day

Hello Everyone!

It’s castaway, reporting back with a couple of Dating Kinky news items!

If you are reading this, you may have seen it promoted elsewhere in the Dating Kinky-verse that we have our most exciting event to date coming up this Sunday, March 8th!

If not, then gather round – we are thrilled to be hosting International Kinky Women’s Day, an all day celebration of women in kink. The outing will kick off at 8AM EST and continue throughout the day until 9:30PM. You can register for the festivities here. FYI – don’t forget to set your clock ahead if you are in a Daylight Savings time area.

Next up, a quick game of “Where’s Nookie?” An absolute favorite part of my day to day as the Dating Kinky lead reporter is to chase down leads, check in with sources, and sit in on my stakeouts to uncover what Nookie, maestro of all things Dating Kinky, is up to.

And I’m pleased to report that my pounding of the pavement has paid some dividends. I have learned that Nookie recently sat down for two podcast interviews with the following venues:

  • Platinum Puzzy Radio
    • Listen to the interview here!
    • Hosted by Platinum Puzzy, a self-described “Retired mattress actress porn-Media & Marketing Manager”
    • Nookie was the debut guest of the relaunch of Platinum’s podcast! She & Nookie hit on many things – a conversation about fostering more productive discussions between partners was a particular highlight.
    • Music dork corner: For extra credit, I welcome my loyal readers to post the timestamp in the comments when Platinum broke out some acapella and went from Johnny Nash to Alan Menken in less than 10 seconds.
    • Platinum will be a guest for International Kinky Women’s Day, during the Body Confidence in Sexual Situations panel, which will get underway @11AM EST.
  • Casual Swinger:
    • Listen to the interview here!
    • Hosted by Mickey & Mallory, Casual Swinger provides a look at their journey through “the lifestyle” while exploring the world of alternative relationships.
    • They talk with Nookie about various topics, including International Kinky Women’s Day (IKWD)
    • Mallory will also joining us for IKWD! She will be featured in the Sluts, Trollops & Tramps: Women in Ethical Non-Monogamy episode airing at 5:00PM EST.

So, I hope I provided you with enough ear candy (both pre-recorded and live) to tide you over this weekend. And one additional note, you can find additional outside interviews with Nookie on the Press Mentions page.

Hope to see you in our chatroom bright and early on Sunday!

Until next time,

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