Dating: Are You Lying To Me Or To Everyone Else?

Dating: Are You Lying To Me Or To Everyone Else?


Hi there. You are lovely. I’d really like to get to know you better.


Thanks, I’m flattered. However, your profile states that you have no interest in poly, and I’m very poly. I wish you the best in your search.


Well, I’m not really monogamous. I’ve just never met a woman who wanted to date a guy who was poly, so that’s how I answered.

— OR —


You are gorgeous! I’d do anything you told me to do, if you’d own me.


Thanks, I’m flattered. However, your profile states that you are a dominant looking for a submissive female. Best of luck in fulfilling your fantasies!


I’m a switch, and I’ve been looking for a dominant woman to give myself to. I just say Dominant because most submissives don’t like switches.

So, are you lying to me or to everyone else who reads your profile?

And, if you’re me, there is no right answer to this question.

Because I don’t do liars. I prefer authentic people.

Lie to me. Lie to everyone else. Makes no difference.

I have no interest.

Best of luck to you.

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