Pride Thyeself on Thy Spelling & Grammare

Pride Thyeself on Thy Spelling & Grammare

This seems pretty straight forward.

Try to write your profile in a way that’s readable. Generally, that means using good spelling and understandable grammar.

Some people would go so far as to say that without it, you are showing the world that you don’t really respect yourself. I’m not sure I would go that far.

After all, I had a recent conversation on FB about how the younger generation doesn’t use periods (.) in text messaging, because it seems aggressive, and they aren’t needed at the end of a text.

They also don’t like Thumbs up emojis (feels snarky to them) and fairies indicate extreme sarcasm.



However, this illustrates something important.

Write the way your audience reads. Just like in the last lesson on this, you need to write to your audience, or who you hope to attract. In some cases, that will mean proper spelling and grammar. In others, it will mean using txt speek and emojis.

But whatever you do, do it with intent. And do it well.

Because whatever your language, just barfing something onto a screen in lieu of a profile will probably get you barf-tastic results in return. Effort is easy to see. And to not see.

We discuss more about writing your your online dating profile for your audience in our new “The Best Damn Dating Profile” free email mini class:

And in my book Dating Kinky: Find the kinky love of your fantasies (read the first 50 pages free!):

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