Diversity In Kink, Represented

Diversity In Kink, Represented

So, I’ve had an asswipe of a weekend. Everything that could go sideways, did. My launch is behind, my tech people are surly…

But there has been a bright spot.

This project by Louis Shackleton popped up on my twitter feed (I take short breaks from screaming silently to procrastinate on more screaming):

The Diverse Sex-Positive Bodies Stock Photography Project

I supporting (as soon as I get past launch), and I’m signal boosting, because I think this is brilliant, and I have often been challenged finding real diversity in kinky/sex-positive images for my blog and site.

Now, maybe this isn’t your cup of tea.

I get that.

But, if it is…if you love seeing all the variety that kink has to offer… all the different colors, shapes, and kinks of us, then I hope you’ll consider pledging. Even $2/month can make a difference.

Or maybe you don’t have cash. That’s OK.

Boost the signal for him, because your friends (or their friends) might have the cash to help, and make this thing a reality.

I feel a bit better now.

Back to code-wrangling.

Thank you for joining me today.

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