When You Are Mine…

When You Are Mine…

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When You Are Mine…

I get dozens of offers from men and women to be mine every day on various sites.

I would guess many women do. I’m not that special. That’s not what this is about.

It’s about the fantasy many have of being owned. Of what it means.

This is what it means to me.

When you are mine…

You text me throughout the day, or email me, continuing conversations we have about FLR, kink, silly memes, philosophy, life, and cute animals that make me go “Squee!”

You buy me gifts, send me flowers, and go out of your way for me.

You tell me your deepest desires and your darkest secrets.

You plan surprises for me, just to see me smile.

You have assignments to send me photos, and to think of me and tell me what you’re thinking at specific times during the day.

You offer me your sluttiness and your need.

You give me your vulnerability, bare your throat to me.

You look good for me, take care of yourself for me.

Your softer emotions are on the surface with me. You enjoy telling me crazy-insane sappy things that you would cringe to admit to anyone else.

You are required to pick someone to flirt with, and make them want you, and report back.

Sometimes it’s a man, sometimes it’s a woman.

These are just some of the things I require as part of service to me.

When I own you…

I enter your brain. I play with your adoration. I mold your desire. I ground your fantasies in me.

I give you 100% genuine acceptance, for all that you are and all that you may become with me.

I give you carnal pleasure, and yes, I withhold it, too. Because that is what you need, and what I want.

I create elaborate, sexy, meaningful scenes.

I train you to serve me well, and reward your good behavior.

I make you watch as I flirt with other men and women. I tell you details. I make you squirm with jealousy and pride.

I protect you, and lead you.

I dress up for you, play with your visual desire for me.

I guide you with my logic and my objectivity.

I give you love and adoration and affection. I help you make choices that will improve your life.

I give you a residence in my heart and soul that shelters and protects.

This is not a light matter. And this may seem like a fantasy to some.

It isn’t.

Because I am not a fantasy.

I am real.

And my heart and feelings are part and parcel with what I do.

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