It’s Make Out Day!

It’s Make Out Day!

Hot on the heels of Kiss Your Mate Day on April 28th, we have Make Out Day upping the stakes.

Today, I’d like to talk a bit about French Kissing, necking, tonsil hockey, canoodling, snogging, whatever you prefer to call your tongue-boxing.

Some even call it swapping-spit, but it think it lacks a bit of…something.

When we kiss with tongue, we are not only practicing an intimate act, but our bodies are communicating with hormones (like testosterone), body language, touch, even chemicals like dopamine and more.

There’s a lot going on under the surface.

And that’s why when kissing goes well, we feel REALLY good.

Because our biology is helping things along.

And, well, it’s often what we did before we DID IT, for hours, and there’s a bit nostalgia and naughtiness and just plain fun.

So, if you can celebrate today, do!

It’s a lovely pastime that costs nothing, and can be done pretty much anywhere (dark movie theater, anyone?).

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