One Bad Ass Bitch (Or Whatever)

One Bad Ass Bitch (Or Whatever)

One Bad Ass Bitch (Or Whatever)

At every moment in your life, you can make a choice.

A choice to no longer be someone’s little bitch (unless that’s your kink—in which case, don’t let me yuck your yum).

To set or enforce your boundaries.

To decide that what YOU think of you is more important than what they think of you.

And to then act upon that.

And you’re going to upset people. Most of them will be jerks. The ones who are used to you being their little bitch. To owning and feeling entitled to parts of you that you are now denying them. The ones who took that power from you, instead of filling you with more.

A few people will be upset. because you’ll change. These are not necessarily bad people. You’ll know they are not bad when their confusion becomes joy for you standing up for yourself, and keeping that power for yourself.

Your best people, though, they will be over the moon for you. you probably already know who they are. They’ve been encouraging you all along, wanting to see more and better for you. The smallest hint that you’ve take this step, and they’ll be beaming from ear-to-ear.

Yeah. You can probably name them now.

However, those others?

They’ll try to make you feel bad for your choice. They’ll really hate that you are not longer their little bitch, or no longer the same kind of frustrated, miserable, cowardly little bitch THEY still are.

But that’s their problem.

And don’t let them make it yours. As long as you are kowtowing to them, or keeping them company in their little bitch-ness, they are not going to get better.

Some of them will tell you that other people’s opinions MATTER.

And they are right.

But choosing you over others doesn’t mean you won’t ever listen. It doesn’t mean you will instantly (or ever) stop caring what other people think.

It means that you will look at yourself through your own eyes first and foremost and judge your thoughts and actions as honestly as possible according to your own standards.

And then, you’ll act on behalf of you, rather than at the behest of others.

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