Did you cum?

Did you cum?

Oh. Ouch. That sure can smart.

And yet, that conversation needs to be had, so both parties can have the pleasure they deserve from an intimate encounter.

But it’s HARD.

Not just to hear it, but for many people to say it.

And few people want to know, so they don’t ask.


Because if they don’t know, and you can’t say…then what? How do you move past the “Oh, well, I guess I don’t get mine,” into “Fuck yeah, we rock the world together!”

Start with a few simple questions:

— What do you enjoy most about sex with me?
— What could I improve in?
— Is there anything I do that you don’t like? ?
— What turns you on that I can try?

And so on.

Get used to communicating about sex with your partner, and learn them more intimately than you’ve ever learned another.

Oh, and also: don’t get hurt or offended by what doesn’t work with your partner. Every person is different, and when you find out what doesn’t work, you’ve learned more about them.

And they shared that with you, which is VERY vulnerable, so appreciate it and say so.

I talk all about sex and orgasms in my book Next Stop: O-Town: A roadmap to your orgasm and sexual release (read the first 50 pages free!):

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