Adjust color, saturation, hue, and transparency quickly and easily.
Take advantage of the uniquely powerful Gantry 5 Color Picker and change your theme’s color scheme in seconds.
Adjust color, saturation, hue, and transparency quickly and easily.
Take advantage of the uniquely powerful Gantry 5 Color Picker and change your theme’s color scheme in seconds.
It seems pretty obvious to me, both parties consent, right? And yet, there is this prevailing mindset that all a submissive or bottom has to
This writing is now available as a podcast episode! Hell, many of us have more than just that one. The one who will put EVERYONE’s
And vice versa. Not long ago, I wrote about the damage I have done some people not seeing them as they wished to be seen.
Every result we get in life includes factors of nature, luck, and usually persistence. But do we really understand what these are, and exactly how
This morning, Pet and I had each other for breakfast. It was delicious. Mmmm. I digress. Damn. So distracting. Anyway, we often spend some time
Teachers are right, when they are talking about math. Most of the time, anyway, because, like life, math can play some funny tricks in certain
Chat Transcript: ZIPPowerpoint: PPT Ever wondered what goes on in the mind of Femdoms? How we select partners? Where we harness all our dominant power
The word of the week is “quiet”. To participate, create a 15-word story with quietly, quiets, quieted, or quieting. I can’t wait to see your
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