KinkIn15: Yearn

KinkIn15: Yearn

The word of the week is “yearn”. To participate, create a 15-word story with yearn, yearns, yearned, or yearning. I can’t wait to see your creativity! smiles

Deep longing.
A yearning to become one.
Probably for the best.

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Boundaries are sexy AF: Emotional Boundaries

Welcome to installment number four in my series about boundaries. The six primary types of boundaries are: Physical Boundaries Intellectual Boundaries Emotional Boundaries Sexual Boundaries

Are you kinky & single?

Well, then, you’re in luck! Because there has never been a time in history when we have had the opportunity to meet SO MANY amazing

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Lift, Love

When I’m talking about kink and nonmonogamy and relationships, I’ll often use the analogy of strength training or lifting to explain how something are uncomfortable

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