Wednesday Writing Prompt: Mistaken Identities…

Wednesday Writing Prompt: Mistaken Identities…

The Wednesday Writing Prompt is a new feature I’m trying out. I used to post writing prompts, and people seemed to really love them, but I was never organized enough to keep it up (story of my life, LOL!).

However, I’m getting organized, and if you’d like to play along, I’ll keep it going.

Here’s how it’ll work:

Every Wednesday, I’ll post a prompt. If you’d like to play along, Simply write a comment with your thoughts, or post to your own social media, and share a link in the comments, or tag Dating Kinky’s social media accounts.

The following Wednesday, I’ll share my own thoughts on the topic, along with the next prompt.

This week’s topic is: What is one thing you thought you knew for sure about kink or yourself in kink that you’ve found out isn’t true?

I encourage you to write anything—fantasy, personal experience, a thought exercise, a poem, a how-to—on the topic and connect with us to share it.

I’d love to see what you have to say! smiles

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