Lesson Bonuses—Prostate Massage & Milking

Lesson Bonuses—Prostate Massage & Milking

Prostate Milking VS Prostate Massage

Prostate milking is prostate massage to orgasm without other stimulation.

It was originally done for medical reasons because by massaging the prostate you essentially flush stagnant and toxic seminal fluids from the prostate gland.

This reduces chances of prostate cancer, which is a good thing.

It’s also a pleasurable thing for many.

Prostate milking removes the orgasm from the traditional friction-and-ejaculate orgasm most prostate-havers are used to, and can be a good way to introduce multiple orgasms, if you/your partner have/has not yet experienced them.

While prostate milking and prostate massage are often used as interchangeable terms, some differentiate the two.

In that case, prostate massage is done for pleasure, while prostate milking is done with as little pleasure as possible, to simply stimulate release for health reasons.

Let’s Discuss!

Which are you most interested in? Prostate massage or milking? What interest you about it?

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