It’s Not Cheating: What is amatonormativity and why is it important?

It’s Not Cheating: What is amatonormativity and why is it important?

This installment of the Saturday It’s Not Cheating marathon consisted of a conversation between Meg-John Barker and Nookie about the concept and application of amatonormativity and its intersection with nonmonogamy

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Chat Transcript: ZIP


Meg-John Barker is the author of a number of popular books on sex, gender, and relationships, including Queer: A Graphic History, Gender: A Graphic Guide, How To Understand Your Gender, Life Isn’t Binary, Enjoy Sex (How, When, and IF You Want To), Rewriting the Rules, The Psychology of Sex, and The Secrets of Enduring Love. They have also written a number of books for scholars and counsellors on these topics, drawing on their  own research and therapeutic practice.


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