Book Club EP1: Interview with authors Lindsay Goldwert & Jane Boon

Book Club EP1: Interview with authors Lindsay Goldwert & Jane Boon

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Chat Transcript: ZIP


Featured Conversation: 0:00 – 1:03:30
PLUS Membership Promo: 1:03:30 – 1:09:00
Q&A/Open Discussion: 1:09:00 – 2:06:38

The first official episode of Kinky Book Club turned out to be a marvelous conversation between host NJ Cole and her talented author guests, Lindsay Goldwert & Dr. Jane Boon. Several topics were covered, including personal discoveries, how to translate those to the page, and how to seize more power in your life (from the bedroom to the boardroom and everywhere in between).

Book Club airs at 8PM EST Every FIRST Monday. The next episode will be broadcast on August 3rd.

Links from the show:

Jane’s Twitter
Lindsay’s Twitter
Lindsay’s SPENT podcast


Photo by Bradford Rogne Photography

Jane Boon is the author of the forthcoming novel from Regan Arts, EDGE PLAY. Set during the last financial crisis, a gorgeous young investment banker sniffs out wrongdoing by her boss and is promptly fired. She winds up working as a dominatrix in an elite BDSM dungeon, catering to the pervy needs of millionaires and billionaires. It turns out, the dungeon is a better classroom than she found at Harvard Business School. With the help of a crusading journalist and a bondage-loving billionaire, she rights some wrongs. And yes, EDGE PLAY is dirty. The digital edition will be available on June 30.

Lindsay Goldwert is the author of Bow Down: Lessons from Dominatrixes on How to Get Everything You Want (Simon & Schuster, January 2020). Lindsay is a journalist and former editorial director of the personal finance app Stash. She has worked as a journalist for more than fifteen years at Glamour, Redbook, CourtTV, ABC News, CBS News, and Daily News (New York). Her writing has appeared in Quartz, AdWeek, Refinery29, Fast Company, Slate, and many others. She is the creator and host of the SPENT podcast, addressing the money issues that affect us every day.

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