SCREW HUMILITY! I Want To Read Your Brags!

SCREW HUMILITY! I Want To Read Your Brags!

Screw Humility

One of the things I love about kink is all the amazing things we kinksters get up to. All the freaky shit we do. The ideas that flow out of our heads.

Today, I’d love to read some of that shit.

Big, small, crazy, weird, fun or learning experience, share it!

  • Finally checked off a fantasy bucket list item?
  • Created an amazing scene for someone?
  • Learned a new skill?
  • Started learning a new skill, and still suck at it, but happy anyway?
  • Do happy things for/with someone (including yourself)?

Let’s share our wonderful brags with each other.


1. Share ANYTHING you’re proud of. Kink is wonderful. Non-Kink is also welcome. Links to projects, writing, photos, whatever are also welcome here. Self-promote, if you wanna.

2. Give someone else props for their amazing thing, if you can. Love comments, tell them how fuckballs fantastic they are, or, if they are doing something you are interested in, connect to share.

3. Negativity will be deleted. I don’t EVER do this, except here. I’m telling you now. Don’t be an asshole. If you aren’t wild about something, scroll by. If you think something is negative, let me know.

4. Take inspiration and RUN with it!

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