Speaking Kinkly, Opening Up (a special episode with Nookie!)

Speaking Kinkly, Opening Up (a special episode with Nookie!)

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Chat Transcript: ZIP

Speaking Kinkly is a webinar for kinky folks who want to discover new techniques for communicating effectively. Communication is SEXY, and doing it well is, well…SEXIER!

We called an audible for this June episode of Speaking Kinkly – Atomic Curves was unable to host, so we have what I would conservatively call a capable backup, a brand new presentation by the Dating Kinky founder herself, Miss Nookie Notes!

The theme of her talk as Opening Up: How do you have THAT conversation? How do you know who to trust? Being open and authentic in your communication makes a HUGE difference, and I’ll be talking about how to make that happen, signs it’s time to trust, and how to take baby steps towards freeing yourself and your partner(s) to have the conversations you want and need to have.

Speaking Kinkly airs every FOURTH Friday. The next episode will be broadcast on July 24th @8PM EST.

Links from the show:



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