Distinction of Deviation, EP5: Racism, bigotry, unwelcoming behavior, what does it look like and how do we overcome it in kinky spaces

Distinction of Deviation, EP5: Racism, bigotry, unwelcoming behavior, what does it look like and how do we overcome it in kinky spaces

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Chat Transcript: ZIP
Presentation Deck: PPT


Featured Presentation: 0:00-44:30
PLUS Membership Promo: 44:30-49:00
Q&A / Open Discussion: 49:00-1:34:27

The June topic of discussion was “How do we as both individuals and a society deal with racism, bigotry, and unwelcoming behavior?”

Distinction of Deviation airs every FOURTH Monday. Next episode July 27th @8PM EST.

Links from the show:

Chucky’s Fetlife page
Tigerlily’s FetLife page
Harvard self-assessment to help identity potential implicit biases (thanks Athena!)

Oh, and finally – we now have a Distinction of Deviation group on FetLife! If you have an account, come join us over there!


The format is 20-40 minutes of this month’s topic, then on to the Q&A and socializing and fun!

Every FOURTH Monday.

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