[am4guest not_have=’p2;p8;p9;p10;p22;’ ]
[am4show have=’p2;p8;p9;p10;p22;’ ]
Listen to the webinar! MP3
Chat Transcript: ZIP
Links from the show:
“The Sub Has All The Power…” cough cough “Bullshit.”
What Would You Do If The Bird Does Not Sing?
A’Marie’s event at International Kinky Women’s Day
Nookie’s Off The Cuffs Podcast Episode
Our first monthly discussion about the right side of the (consensual) slash: submission, slavery, property and more.
We’re kicking off the series with the topic: What is submission?
We’ll explore different definitions of submission from around the world, and ask questions designed to get you thinking.
Every FOURTH Wednesday.