Do You Give Yourself Away?

Do You Give Yourself Away?

Do You Give Yourself Away?

Do you give your happiness, self-confidence and power away to the one you love?

Worse, do you give it away to random people?

I’m betting you have in the past. I would bet EVERYONE has at one time or another.

Hell, I do it, sometimes. It’s a difficult habit to break.

“I choose to feel good if and only if my partner/my friend/this stranger behaves in the manner that I wish or that I think is right. If not, I will choose to feel bad.”

So, if my partner/my friend/this stranger does not behave the way I wish or in a way that I think is right, then I cannot be happy.

People who get angry or upset because others not doing what they want are unconsciously making these other people “responsible” for their own happiness. They are giving away their happiness and power.

So you give yourself away like this? In what circumstances? Any thoughts on what to do about it, and turn it around?

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