Great dominants are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great.

Great dominants are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great.

I saw a quote the other day on social media by Mark Twain:

“Great people are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain

And like an ear worm, it wouldn’t get out of my head. Until I realized that I needed to make use of it.

So, for those of you who are dominants out there:

  • Do you strive to make the people in your life feel inspired?
  • Do you encourage and support them?
  • Are you rooting for them, whether that means it benefits you or not?
  • And most of all, do you endeavor to make them feel like they can become great—and like they are great?

And for those of you who partner with dominants (and for you dominants, regarding your dominant peers):

  • Do the people in your life make you feel inspired?
  • Do they encourage and support you?
  • Are they rooting for you, whether that means it benefits them or not?
  • And most of all, do they make you feel like you can become great—and like you are great? (Because you are. Obviously.)

If not, you gotta ask yourself, why not?

I don’t mean within a scene. Because some scenes are hella hot and humiliating AF.

I mean in life and love.

The more I put into making the people in my life feel their greatness and pursue it, the stronger and more amazing they become.

And the more time I spend around those people that I do my best to lift up, the lighter or easier or better my life is, and the stronger I become. As a dominant. As a human.

If you think about all the dominant folk in your life right now, are there ones who help you grow (in whatever area—kindness, career, parenthood, health)? Or do they keep you down?

Here’s the thing though. I’m calling out the dominants because, well, I can.

But inspiring others to greatness is something we can all do.

Who is great in your life? Who inspires you to be great(er)?

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