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Join us for Knotty Time, a gathering for all those rope-curious and rope enthusiastic folks out there, hosted by Growly.
In this episode, Growly was our guide through some rope bondage and shibari basics in this virtual peer rope session. We learned some simple ties, which you can practice alone or with a partner, asked questions and talked through the wonderful world of rope!
We covered some basic terminology, common courtesies and protocols, and what to keep an eye out for to be safe.
August’s topic: Free Tying Techniques, exploring frictions, and learning to let ties evolve naturally. (Beginner – No partner required)
Every FIRST Tuesday. Next episode: September 1st at 8PM UK (3PM EST).
Chat Transcript: ZIP

Rope With Bite
Growly is a UK based rope bondage rigger, artist and teacher.
Growly’s style focuses on a two way connection between top and bottom, with communication a key element to developing effective partnerships in order to create successful rope experiences.
An engineering background has led him to favour functional, minimal styles: where every movement has meaning and purpose.
Growly’s Girl has been tying herself up for 17 years and allowing other people to tie her up since she was legally allowed to do so. She is an experienced rope model with a focus on bottom empowerment and communication.
She is passionate about amplifying the voice and value of rope bottoms of all shapes, sizes and abilities. They have been partnering together, running workshops and doing performances together, since 2017.
Workshops aim to cultivate LGBTQ*, poly & kink-friendly, explicit-consent aware environments, following a code of conduct ( https://www.ropewithbite.co.uk/codeofconduct )
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