Dating Kinky now has chat!

Dating Kinky now has chat!


Up until this past weekend, Dating Kinky has used a messages system, sort of like in-site emails.

Even though it was fast, there was a delay, and it was not real-time. But now we’ve done it. We have real-time chat in our website, and we’re developing our apps right now (tentative completion for submittal to Google and Apple by March 29 for first release, with another following soon after).

Right now, the chat is available to our PLUS Members only, to test it out and work through any bugs we can find before we roll it out to everyone March 1.

Here’s what we’ve got planned for chat:

Chat: Dual Consent

This is currently in place. No one can send you a message in chat without your consent. You can currently accept or deny the offer.

We will be adding the options to accept, deny, or save the request until later.

Longer term, we’ll be allowing PLUS members to put in “conversation starters,” a prompt for writing to them, and allowing chat requests to them to include a message.

For example: I go to your profile and click “Chat,” and I get a pop-up from you with your chat Introduction:

“Hi there! When sending me a chat request, please introduce yourself, tell me something that we have in common, and why you’re interested in chatting with me. :)”

And I will have the opportunity to cancel my request or send a message introducing myself and telling you what I think we have in common based on your profile, so you can make the decision to chat with me or not from there.

Decline & Block

We have this in our messaging for all members (free and PLUS), and will be making it a part of our chat features as well.

When you choose to decline and block, a message will be sent to your chat partner that says, “Thank you for the conversation. I’m flattered. At this time, I don’t feel like we’re a good match. Best of luck to you.”

And they will be blocked from replying or even seeing you and your profile, and your chat mate will see, “Membername is no longer available to chat.”

This means that you can politely turn someone down, and not have to risk nasty retaliation messages, or even explain yourself further.

Pop-up Box for chats (like FB Messenger)

Right now, the chat is on a special page. We’ll be adding pop-up chat boxers o you can browse the site and chat at the same time.

Who’s Online Now

A filter that shows “Online Now?” Activity (login, clicks, chats, etc.) within the past 15 minutes.

This will be available to PLUS Members, and an “active within 30 days” will be available on profiles for everyone.

Date/Time stamps

Working on this right now.

Read Receipts

PLUS members can see if their chat message was read by their chat mate.

GIFs Library

Just for fun! smiles


So, attaching things to chat is sort of expected, but it’s also abused pretty regularly, so I made that a “future thing,” until I figured out what I wanted to do with this.

And I’ve figured it out!

The first time anyone tires to send an attachment in a chat (once only, per chat with each member), they will see a message like this:

Just In Case!

This is a kinky dating site, and you’re an adult, so it’s entirely possible your images is explicit.

It’s ALWAYS a good idea to get consent before sending naughty stuff. Still want to send?

(You’ll only see this message once per conversation.)

Hint: Your chat mate will know you got this message, since they’ve probably gotten it before, too!

And you’ll be able to choose:

I have consent! (And choose and send attachment)
Learn more about consent online (And get linked to an article with more information)
Ah. Hold off on this for now, thanks. (And cancel the action until another time)

Just a small reminder to everyone that kink and sexy times (and chat, and pretty much EVERYTHING) are better with consent.


Video & Audio Chat

For PLUS Members.

And don’t worry, if you’ve been around a while, and you have messages on DK that you don’t want to lose, you won’t. Those messages will be archived for you to access. They will be in the same spot (in addition to chat) for 90 days, then will be moved into your preferences on May 15, where you will have access tot hem, but they will not be a major part of the site.

In fact, since all new members will ONLY see chat functions once it’s fully rolled out, messaging will be fully deprecated quickly.

We’re thrilled!

Of course, there are going to be some bugs to work out, and lots of minor adjustments to do, but this is the next step towards having our messenger apps ready and making sure they are 100% synced with the site.


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