Did you wake up this morning?

Did you wake up this morning?

I’m guessing you did, because you’re reading this. 😀 Or perhaps your schedule is different than mine, and you’ve been awake longer than just today, in pure calendar time.

Either way, you’re here, you’re reading this, and NOW is your chance.

“To what?” you ask.

  • To define yourself in new ways.
  • To try that thing you’ve been wanting to try.
  • To have THAT conversation.
  • To tell that person you’re crushing on them.
  • To get that workout in.
  • To plan that trip.
  • To sit for a moment and just breathe.

To whatever.

The legendary Missy Elliott (legit throwback — you’re welcome) says:

“As long as you are breathing, it’s never too late. You have come too far to quit.”

I agree. (And Miss Elliot wouldn’t lie to us.)

You’ve made it this far. Even if it’s not where you want to be. Take a minute to take stock of where you are, how much you’ve accomplished already and remind yourself that you’re still breathing, baby!

No matter what your goal is, it’s not too late.

  • Learning a new language
  • Orchestrated twerking
  • Finding a special someone (Dating Kinky apps are here to help)
  • Writing that novel (NaNoWriMo is coming up fast!)
  • Trying kinky candy play (Why yes, we DO have a class on that in our ALL ABOUT PLAY event coming up November 12-14!)


What’s YOUR goal?

Care to share?

Want some accountability? We have a goals channel in our Dating Kinky Discord, where we post about the steps we’re taking to reach our goals. I’m working towards learning to rock climb.

And if your goal is meeting/connecting more with kinksters remember, I’m here to help. LMK where you’re stuck.

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