For the Kinky Fuckery…

For the Kinky Fuckery…

One of the things I love about this world and life is the amazing differences between people—in how they think, what they desire, and their choices in life.

Because knowing humans teaches me things, expands my thoughts and experiences.

And some people are marriage-minded.

Even in kink.

This may come as a shock to some of you. There are people who think that all of kink is lascivious desires and bacchanalian excess.

And sure, some of it is.

Not all of it, though.

In fact, most people into kink are first and foremost just humans. We have jobs and homes and families we love. We like puppies and geeky things and travel.

We also like kink.

Some of us like kink A LOT. Some just a little.

And I’ve known a few ministers in my life who really loved kink AND they loved marriage—so much that they were staying celibate until marriage.

I think that is amazing and wonderful.

Not for me.

But then, that ship sailed a LOOOOOONG time ago.

The key, though, is that whatever you are into kink for, I’m here for you. And so is Dating Kinky. We don’t judge.

Want marriage? Go for it!

Want sex? Go for that!

Want spanky-floggy fun times? YAY!


I’m not going to shove my personal interests and perversions down your throat. And I’m not going to let anyone else shove theirs down your throat. I believe that’s not how this is supposed to work.

Of course, that means I won’t let YOU come in and shit all over anyone’s good time, either.

Everyone gets treated equally in my home on the web.

And if you’re here for the kinky fuckery, well, then, say hello! grins

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