Tips for moving the fuck on (from a bad breakup a broken heart, getting stood up, lied to, whatever).

Tips for moving the fuck on (from a bad breakup a broken heart, getting stood up, lied to, whatever).

Delete the chat.

And the texts. And their number. Or add it into your “Total Buttnugget” contact. Block them on social media of all kinds.

Delete the pictures.

All of them. No, don’t save to share with your friends. Don’t store them for future spank bank stuff. Just delete them. 

You don’t need them, and if the breakup was bad, it’s better to consider that consent revoked.

Ask friend for support.

Friends are great at distractions, finding things to do, shoulders to cry on…they WANT to be there for you.


Set them.

Figure out your boundaries. Set them. 

Practice what you will say if someone ever tries to cross your boundaries. Get good at it. And maintain that shit. It’s important.

And finally, mourn.

Cry. Eat ice cream. Mope. Talk to your dog (and only your dog) for 6 days. Look a mess. Watch sappy movies. Write texts and emails your aren’t going to send (because you deleted the contact, remember?). 

Even if the relationship in retrospect was shitty, it’s ok, even healthy to mourn it for what you had hoped it would be.

What are YOUR best tips for moving on after a craptaculous break up?

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