What is YOUR Trap?

What is YOUR Trap?

A nasty-looking bear trap.

This writing is now available as a podcast episode!

In a forum devoted to men and developing their dominance, someone posted this:

My mind was attached to a specific image of what it meant to be manly. It invested its entire self-worth into preserving that image. My mind greatly undervalues my true worth.

Earlier this summer, as Pet and I talked over some plans for a weekend together, I wondered if we were trapping ourselves into a relationship dynamic that might hinder our growth, and determined that I’d talk to him about it at some point (I did), because I don’t want us to ever feel stifled or held back (neither does he).

And I also wonder about the traps we set for others, as well.

What does it mean to me when I meet a man or a woman or an enby? A submissive or a little or a furry? What does it mean when I call someone sexy or smart?

And am I boxing them in, in my mind, or am I allowing them to grow and become more as I know them better and learn more of their labels?

I’d like to think the latter.

I do mostly think the latter.

Do you?

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