A day in the life of a professional kinkster…

A day in the life of a professional kinkster…

I get asked if I sit around all day thinking about sex.


I get asked if I get to “research” porn.


I get asked how I can get anything done, because (of course) the person querying me can’t understand how I keep my hands out of my pants.

It’s easy.

Hi, I’m Nookie, the founder of Dating Kinky, and I’m here to tell you a bit about what a day in the life looks like.

First of all, I’ll warn you. I’m not your average kinkster. Or human, for that matter.

I usually start my day somewhere between 3-5am.

I say between 3-5am because I haven’t used an alarm clock to wake up for over two decades. I am a natural early bird, and I usually wake after 4 1/2-6 hours of sleep, and I’m ready to get to work.

So, I sign on for the day.

I usually check in with those people I work with around the world, saying good morning (often good evening where they are), and checking on the progress of projects we have in the works. That’s usually an hour or so.

The next 2-3 hours of my day before everyone else starts to wake up is usually spent building content. That could mean:

  • Creating graphics for FB, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
  • Writing blogs
  • Dreaming up ways to engage people with content
  • Writing in a book
  • Recording a new podcast
  • Editing audio or video content

Then, I have to take a break, while my part of the world wakes up. I have another round of good mornings (actually morning this time), and checking in on what they are up to, what plans they have for the day, etc.

I then have to check in on social media comments and posts and likes and such.

If there is not a lot, I can usually get this done in about an hour. If something takes off somewhere, this happens throughout the day in that one space, and may take up to 3 hours.

Now is the time for tech stuff.

Testing mobile apps, updating software, redesigning stuff and checking that bug fixes were made and testing features. Usually an hour or two here.

Then, it’s connecting with people who have been sending me messages through the day and in their mornings (as people on the other side of my time zone rise and shine).

Usually about 1-2pm, I’m reminding myself that I promised I would tray to limit my work days to about 10 hours as much as possible, but I don’t really stop, LOL!

I do nearly always focus on having dinner with my partner and/or friends, and getting some sort of workout in every day.

Pretty much everything else fits in as it can.

AND, on many days, I have an evening event, which usually lasts about two hours, from 7:30 – 9:30pm.

Then, I’m exhausted and ready to go to bed, so I can start again the next day.

Sexy, huh?

Well, yeah. It is. I mean, I can take a lunch once in a while, an even make it a “funch” (fun, f*cking, lunch).

I get to meet, talk to, and collaborate with some of the sexiest, kinkiest people in the world.

I get to write about kink, and sometimes, even erotica.

And I wouldn’t change it for the world.

So, for those of you who wondered, this is what the life of kinky professional looks like—or at least my life.


If you still have questions, I’m absolutely open to answering.

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how many ppl u sexd?

Really? THAT’s what you want to know? That’s your burning question? The one that comes before an introduction, some small talk? UGH. And while that

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