Pet Peeves – Question

Pet Peeves – Question

“Do you have time for a soapbox speech?”

LOL! That was the reply I got from an acquaintance when I asked this question.

I do, actually. Lay it on me. I also love easy answers.

  • •“Too many fakes.”
  • •“Rude people.”
  • •“Dick pics.”
  • •“Not for kinky/poly/sexy people like me.”

Because I’m curious. And I have my own pet peeves. Those who know me know about my butthole rant. Just because I’m on an adult or kinky site does not mean I want to have a conversation with your wide-spread butt cheeks.


And the more I talk about that, the more I hear from others that they also don’t like that feeling, but never really thought it could be changed. SMDH! I didn’t, either, until I started thinking about how I would do dating sites for kinky awesome folk differently.

You see, I’ve spent more than 20 years online as a kinkcter and business person. During most of those years, I was a participant, moderator, beta tester and enthusiast for a TON of adult/kinky/dating sites online.

And frankly, they were pretty much all the same. They all catered to a very specific subset of the population willing to pay big bucks for a porn experience.

BUT, they were peddling REAL PEOPLE. Not porn.

Which, in my view, led to crappy experiences all around.

So, eventually, I decided that I could do better.

And that’s what I’m doing. Or trying to do.

And that’s why I would LOVE your feedback on what could make a kinky dating site offer the BEST experience you’ve ever had dating.


Feel free to comment here, or to head to our new page specifically for collecting ideas like yours, voting on them, and putting them into our development roadmap:

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