Frankly, My Dear (Kinkster), I Don’t Give A Damn

Frankly, My Dear (Kinkster), I Don’t Give A Damn

I don’t want to hear your sob story.

I am not saying this to hurt your feelings or to drive you away.

If you have a question about a challenge you are facing in your kink or love life, I’m happy to help or offer my experience as I can.

I just don’t think that either you or I will get much out of a conversation where we talk about everything that is outside your control and how it runs your life.

Come at me with a challenge and a can-do attitude towards what you can take control of, and I’m in.

Let me further clarify:

I’m not saying that having someone to talk to about what you feel is out of your control is a bad thing. I’m simply saying that I’m not the one for that. I’m not a licensed therapist, and I don’t have a talent for that kind of thinking.

If I were perfect, I probably would. I’m working on it.

But for you, let’s just pretend I don’t have any of that.

Consider this your fair warning:

If you want to talk about how the world, your partners, people you want sex from, or the barista at your local Coffee Gulp done you wrong, I won’t give a damn.

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