Writing Prompt: What Do You Pursue And Why?

Writing Prompt: What Do You Pursue And Why?

What Do You Pursue?

I haven’t posted a writing prompt in a while, but the past few months have kept throwing things into my path, suggesting that not only do I need to, but I need to start a new project.

You see, I got a new planner for Christmas from my Pet, and I’d just started looking into Bullet Journaling (for those interested, here and here are two great articles about it). I wanted to not only organize myself better, but have a place for my thoughts.

Since then, I’ve seen a ton of journals pre-started for you with writing prompts on a particular topic: romance, fitness, creativity, writing… and each time, I’ve thought, “Oh! Wouldn’t a kink journal be cool?”

And that thought flitted through my brain and out again, like so many.

Then, I came upon some questions that really touched me, related to self-reliance, and I shared them with a few friends. EVERY time, the conversation turned to kink journaling, and writing prompts for kinksters.

So, here I am. Committing to writing more kinky writing prompts. LOL!

The Prompt

Is there anything in kink that people have told you is a “must-do,” “must-learn,” or “must-think” that really doesn’t resonate with you, but that you have continued to try or to consider, simply because others say it is necessary?

At what point do we determine our kinky lives for ourselves, rather than following the “common wisdom”?

Feel free to write in the comments or in your own journal and link here (so others can read it), or just think on it or write on it and keep it to yourself, if you prefer.

Write a sentence. Or a paragraph. Or an essay. Or whatever this is to you. Talk it out. Make it yours.

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