There is not a time when I think of you that I do not want you.
And if there is a moment I am not consciously thinking of you, as soon as you clamber into my thoughts, want is there.
There is not a time when I think of you that I do not want you.
And if there is a moment I am not consciously thinking of you, as soon as you clamber into my thoughts, want is there.
Consent is key in kink, but I also maintain that it is key in life. And, if you’ve been following me for long, you know
Chat Transcript: ZIP Timestamps: Featured Presentation: 0:00 – 53:00PLUS Membership Promo: 53:00 – 58:20Rope Tie Demonstration/Q&A: 58:20 – 1:30:27 Dating Kinky is thrilled to present
Women think I’m weird because I seek to never make decisions. To be honest, a man (or any gender) that never makes decisions is not
I have long desired a truly strapless experience for play with dildos, and I’ve tried a few options. Unfortunately, all were disappointing. They were too
In fact, none of what I write or discuss online is about convincing you to change your mind. I don’t really care what you think/feel.
I received a message the other day asking if I take requests for writing topics. I do, actually and I said so. This is what
Emodiversity is something I’ve discussed related to relationships for years. I wrote something a few years back, explaining the concept: For, example, on another discussion
Yesterday, I met this really cool guy. He’s a scientific comedian (THAT’S A THING!!) and communications educator to scientists. He teaches super-smart, super-technical people how
Copyright © All rights reserved, Dating Kinky, Inc.
2 Responses
I loved this… thank You Nookie
You’re very welcome! *smiles*