Learn To Love Anal, Introduction

Learn To Love Anal, Introduction

About The Guided Experience

Each lesson has a Guided Experience.

I see this as a sort of guided meditation for your butt play.

It is written in a first-person voice speaking to you. It’s a narration of an ass play scene from my perspective designed for you or whoever you’re playing with to be able to follow along with the experience after the instructional, to simply relax and enjoy the pleasure.

I suspect that the Guided Experiences are most effective for those practicing singly, to focus on yourself and your feelings while experiencing this type of play.

However, for those of you practicing as couples/moresomes, I believe they could be greatly useful as well, if you take a bit of time to record them in your own voice(s) to share.

You see, the reason I’m offering audio in this class is because it’s awkward to try to stick stuff up your butt (or someone else’s butt) while also reading from a book or e-reader to follow instructions.

More than that, though, I hope to provide through all of my audios a feeling of ease and comfort.

In dynamics where one or more partners might want to play alone, having the Guided Experience in their partner’s voice would be a beautiful thing.

And these days, most mobile phones have a voice recording feature that makes it easy to read and share with others.

Heck, for those singles out there focusing on and practicing self-love, recording the Guided Experience in your own voice could be a wonderful step towards self-acceptance and exploration.

I’m offering a download file of the Guided Experiences for you, so that you can edit and change the wording as needed, to make yourself feel more comfortable, and to use language that suits your personal style or partnership.

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