Learn To Love Anal, Introduction

Learn To Love Anal, Introduction

Short, Smooth Nails & Soft Hands

Let’s talk first about those of us who love longer nails.

Because nails are weapons. And can seriously damage the thin skin inside of you or your partner. We don’t want that.

So, if you’re planning on some fingering, your nails will ideally be cut to the quick, below the tip of your finger and filed WELL.

How well? Several different grit-levels of filing and buffing well. So well that if you run your nails along some nylons or hosiery, there will be no catching.

Use something like this tool to get the edges super-smooth: https://www.amazon.com/Buffer-Fingernail-Professional-Manicure-Cosmetic/dp/B07MV4NW54

Heck, make sure your skin is also soft and smooth. Dry, rough and cracking (heaven forbid) winter hands can also irritate or tear at the delicate lining of your partner’s butt, so consider doing a buff and polish to the skin of your hands as well.

Better yet, have your partner do a buff and polish hand massage for you. It’s relaxing, feels great, and can be a sensual part of foreplay before butt play. By involving your partner, you both get the benefit of the hand massage and smoothing, so if play happens later, you’re ready to give and receive!

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