The Four Kinds Of Kinkster

The Four Kinds Of Kinkster

The Four Kinds of Kinkster

1. The kinkster who pretends to know all the kinky things for any variety of reasons (superiority, authority, power, etc.) but don’t actually know what they are doing.

2. Those who actually believe they know all the kinky things but are completely wrong.

3. People who admit they don’t know all the kinky things, and let that paralyze them because they believe types 1 and 2 are being truthful.

4. Kinksters who are ok admitting they don’t know all the kinky things and just get on with it anyway.

I prefer the last kind.


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4 Responses

    1. My personal kink doesn’t involve force, even CNC. My sweet spot is exactly the opposite: Seeing someone CRAZY to do things for me, rather than reluctant. *smiles* ~Nookie

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