Happy National Anal Sex Day!

Happy National Anal Sex Day!

This holiday started off as a joke, and honestly not a very funny one.

It was pretty much a man (comedian Jim Jefferies) complaining that men needed a holiday for themselves to counter-balance Valentine’s Day (Uh, hello, Steak & A Blo Job Day!), and suggested a holiday (and I quote), “Everyone’s girlfriend or wife has to take it in the ass on April 18th.”


However, even out of shitty intentions, good things can happen, and National Anal Sex day was created.

And here’s what’s good about that:

1.It raises awareness of anal sex. Anal sex can be immensely pleasurable, and deeply intimated which is a GOOD thing for those who are curious about it.

2.It’s genderless—everyone has a butt. Contrary to Mr. Jeffries’ quip, anal sex is not just for men to give it to women. Far from it! Women give it to men, men to men, and literally every gender can give or receive anal pleasure from any other gender. It’s a great equalizer.

3.It’s a great excuse! For those who are curious about anal play and may not yet have had the courage to bring it up or actually try it, having a national day breaks the ice a bit.

I’m a fan.

And, in case you didn’t know, I’ve actually written two books about anal play. My latest is The Big Book of Ass, available in ePub, Mobi, PDF and audio formats.

AND, I’ve taught classes about anal for years.

AND, I’ve just today re-released a comprehensive anal play program, “Learn To Love Anal,” which is an 8-week course designed to walk you through the pleasures of anal play in easy steps, from finger play to full intercourse.

LTLA includes safety issues, health notes, recommendations on toys and lube, step-by-step guides in both written and audio format (and read by both a masculine and feminine voice—your choice!).

It’s designed for singles practicing alone, or couples practicing together, and has different lessons, depending on your needs.

It’s the most comprehensive course I’ve ever seen on the topics nd designed to not only get you to the point of being able to have anal, but also to experience anal pleasure with or without a partner in greater ways that you ever thought possible.

And I’ve released it today for our PLUS Members only!

In the next month or so, I’ll make it available for public sale at the price of $147 for the full course.

Right now, our members get it as part of their Dating Kinky Library for just $9.99 per month, along with The Big Book of Ass, and all of our other educational programs, classes, and books.

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