It’s Not Cheating: Finding Your Way in Nonmonogamy

It’s Not Cheating: Finding Your Way in Nonmonogamy

We opened our second day of It’s Not Cheating with an introduction to the beguiling Jenni Lynn, who took us on the whirlwind journey of ups and downs in nonmonogamy following her divorce, and the lessons she learned along the way to bring her to the amazing place in her life she is now.

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Chat Transcript: ZIP
Presentation Deck: PPT


We opened our second day of It’s Not Cheating with an introduction to the beguiling Jenni Lynn, who took us on the whirlwind journey of ups and downs in nonmonogamy following her divorce, and the lessons she learned along the way to bring her to the amazing place in her life she is now.

I read The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty trilogy in high school, while still a virgin. That was when my kink side was piqued. However, I did not have the opportunity to explore it until much later in life. Pregnant at 21, I got married to the father and spent 13 years in a marriage where I hid my bisexuality, desire for an open relationship, and myself, as I am today. After I got divorced, I entered into a “play partner” relationship with someone I had known (and worked with, professionally) for a number of years. To note, I did not realize “play partner” also meant FWB. In February 2018, I was raped by someone who I thought was one of my best friends. This changed my entire perspective on life. Between that, and an emotionally abusive and mentally manipulative relationship that I have since left, I have grown to appreciate and love myself while still being able to enjoy a kink and polyamorous lifestyle that is safe, sane, consensual, and all based on love, trust, and open, honest communication.

In addition to my poly and kink side, I am a mom of two teen boys, happily divorced, a career woman in STEM, mental health advocate, and yoga-enthusiast. I have a BA in Management and an MBA. I am looking for more opportunities to get involved in the understanding and open acceptance of the polyamory community that I have come to love and enjoy so much.


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